DGM Veron Grauer - Société de déménagement à Genève - VOTRE DÉMÉNAGEUR À GENÈVE DEPUIS 1867 - Actus



Training Company


– This year, DGM Veron Grauer SA implements professional training with the creation of a vacancy
for a commercial apprenticeship. This underlines our desire to create and offer professional opportunities for local youth.That is why we are very happy to welcome our new apprentice on 01.08.2018.


– Additionally, as from 01.01.2018, we welcome young migrants, who are undergoing pre-apprenticeship training, for one-week internships. This allows them to discover the world of labour,
as well as the local economic structure.


DCC Project Completed

On 22.06.2016, the Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics (OFCL) contracted for the relocation of the offices of the Central Clearing House (CdC).

This is the first time that DGM Veron Grauer SA won a tender of the Federal Administration in Berne.
The purpose was to relocate all workplaces in two stages within a period of two years, the time required for the renovation and extension work on their building.

We relocated 840 workplaces during the period January to May 2018.